
ASEEES publishes the premier peer-reviewed scholarly journal in the field of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies and an association newsletter that discusses the news of the field and the profession.

The Slavic Review is the leading scholarly journal in the field, with c.3,800 subscribers around the world. It features articles that can take any disciplinary approach, and are deemed to be original and significant to the field by peer-reviewers. The journal also features reviews and critiques of recent research within the field.

ASEEES’ organizational newsletter, NewsNet, serves as the informal medium for coverage of the news of the field and the profession. Distributed to our 3,000 members six times a year, it reports the activities of our members and affiliates, notes our members’ recent publications, provides a calendar of conferences, features articles and speeches, lists summer programs and fellowship/grant opportunities, and lists job postings from our over sixty institutional members.

In addition, ASEEES individual members receive significant discounts on subscriptions to our affiliated publications.