Advertising in the NewsNet

In addition to articles and news columns, NewsNet also features a limited number of advertisements from various organizations presenting scholarly publications, products, services, or opportunities of interest to those in the Russian, Eurasian, and Central European fields. The ASEEES reserves the right to decline ads failing to meet the scholarly, non-partisan standards of the ASEEES.

Prices and Specifications:

  • Full Page - size: 7.125" wide x 9.25" long - $500
  • Half page (horizontal) - size: 7.125" wide x 4.625" long - $325
  • Half page (vertical) - size: 3.5625" wide x 9.25" long - $325
  • 1/4 of a page (vertical) - size: 3.5625" wide x 4.625" long - $225

Ads that do not conform to the above dimensions will be returned. Placement of the ads will be decided by the editor. Appropriate ads are accepted on a space available basis.

Acceptable electronic format: InDesign, PDF or JPEG. PDF is the preferred format. All fonts and images must be included. The resolution must be 300 dpi or greater. PDF files must be created using Press Optimized in Adobe Acrobat. Fonts and high resolution images must be embedded in the PDF. Please be sure that the PDF does not contain any security passwords. 

Deadlines for submissions of ads and announcements for regular NewsNet features are as follows:

  • January issue: December 22
  • March issue: February 28
  • May issue: April 30
  • July issue: June 30
  • September issue: August 31
  • November issue: October 31

Discount is either for ads placed in consecutive issues or for multiple ads in the same issue. Prepayment for full run is required:

  • 2 consecutive issues: 10%
  • 3 consecutive issues: 15%
  • 4 consecutive issues: 20%
  • 5 consecutive issues: 25%
  • 6 consecutive issues (one full year): 30%

For all issues relating to the ASEEES NewsNet advertising, please contact:

Jenn Legler, Communications Coordinator
phone: 412-648-9911